Astronomy Kids Mars facts for kids Solar system

Mars moon Phobos

The Martian moon Phobos is very close to Mars. It’s a little less than 4,000 miles away – that is super close! If you flew there in a rocket from Mars, traveling about the speed of the Apollo astronauts, you would arrive at Phobos really really fast.

Astronomy Kids Mars facts for kids Solar system

The Martians

The two moons of Mars. Mars has 2 small moons, Phobos and Deimos, that are among the smallest moons in the solar system. If you had a car on the moon Phobos, it would take you less than one hour to drive all the way around. The moon Deimos is smaller than Phobos and you […]

Astronomy Kids Solar system

Jurassic Eclipse

Solar eclipses have been around since time began. Here is a story from millions of years ago …

Kids Solar system

Saturn Sky

What if Earth had rings and lots of moons like Saturn? Our nighttime and daytime sky might look something like this. Saturn is the planet that is known for its huge rings going around the planet. Saturn also has over 50 moons.

Astronomy Kids Solar system Toddler

How To Spot Venus

Where is our neighbor planet Venus? At sundown, look for the first light to appear. It will be overhead, high above the setting sun. It will be the brightest light in the sky from sunset until around 7pm. In your house, find the windows that face sunset (those windows face west). You should be able […]

Astronomy Kids Solar system

Jupiter is so Big

Jupiter is so big that… If Earth were a cat, Jupiter would be a lion. If Earth were a house, Jupiter would be a castle. If Earth were a cookie, Jupiter would be a party cake. Jupiter is the biggest planet. Jupiter is eleven times wider than Earth.

Astronomy Kids Solar system Toddler

Earth Has 2 Neighbors

Earth’s two neighbors are Venus and Mars. Venus is closer to Earth. Venus is between Earth and the Sun. Mars is the opposite side neighbor. Mars is farther away from Earth and the Sun. Earth is bigger than Venus and bigger than Mars. Solar System Classroom is where you can learn about outer space.

Astronomy Kids Solar system Toddler

Earth is our planet

Our planet goes around the Sun with the other planets. Our planet has land and oceans. It is the only planet that has all people and animals and fish and birds.

Astronomy Kids Solar system Toddler

Planets go around Sun

Planets are in space with stars. Planets are round like a ball. Here are the planets.

Astronomy Kids Solar system Toddler

The Sun is a star

Above the Earth, the Sun looks like a ball of light. The Sun is a star. A very very close star. When the Sun is up, it is really a star that is up.