History of Spaceflight

1955 lecture – Wernher Von Braun

The conquest of outer space is the greatest technological challenge of the age in which we live!

The first decisive step in the conquest of space will be the placing of an object into an orbit wherein it would indefinitely circle the Earth.

It takes a speed of approximately 18,000 miles per hour to accomplish this.

And this is approximately three times the greatest speed ever attained by rockets today.

How can we reach such a speed?

First of all, of course, one could think of improving propellants used in present day rockets.

Secondly, we shed some weight off our designs.

But with both of these methods, it does not appear possible to be more than approximately 40 to 50 percent of the speed that rockets reach today.

A fundamental step ahead in increasing the speed will be the application of the multi-stage principle.